The Selection Wiki

Miliko207 Miliko207 29 October 2014


Hello guys ! ;)

I am a very curious person especially with books. So waiting is always worse.

This year I ordered The One via amazon the only source for me to get english books really fast. I waited a week for it which was't bad because I was able to concentrate on my final exams.

Now everything is over and I won't have any exams when The Heir is published. I was so happy but my happiness faded....

I thought I can order The Selection Stories 2 via amazon again (cannot wait you know) especially with some extras from The Heir. *fangirling*

But same procedure but worse: I ordered it and did really everything which was possible but I will only get it 10 days after the publication. Right now I feel frustrated and regret living in Germany.

So I have a b…

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