The Selection Wiki

Orin Gillespi was the mother of Lena Leger and the grandmother of Aspen Leger.

She is only known because of the Leger family tree.


Originally, Orins parents were Threes but they were stripped down a caste.

Being Fours they made friends with the Mercers, who owned a restaurant. They opened a restaurant of their own. Their daughter, Orin, fell in love with the Mercers son, Noah. They married and had four daughters. Orin and Noah saved money so that the oldest daughter, Lena, could buy her way back to the Three status the family should have, and help the rest of her siblings.

Lena took the money to marry a server in their restaurant, Elec Leger. After their marriage they told them and Lena was unceremoniously kicked out of her family, left with no one but Elec.
